
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

If It Feels Scary, You're Actually In Alignment (Really!)

Jul 24, 2023

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but some stuff you’re going to do in your business on the way to amazing alignment and abundance is going to suck. It’s going to feel scary, hard, and uncomfortable.

However, it shouldn’t feel that way ALL the time, and, we’re going to...

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What to do When Anxiety Strikes

Jul 20, 2023

If you're sometimes overcome by uncomfortable sensations such as anxiety or intense stress, and find that it stays with you for a really long time, I hope you'll love this post.

I'm going to talk about one aspect of how to create safety in your body rather than dissociating by scrolling through...

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The Embarrassing Doctor Visit that Led me to Mind-Body Healing

Jul 17, 2023

I once had to see a urologist for a pelvic issue, and when the nurse left me in the exam room, she handed me a little napkin-type cover-up.

I’m used to those from the gynecologist’s office, so I promptly undressed and got on the table. Then I spread the napkin out to cover up my lower...

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How to Find the Magic Even if it Feels Hard or Scary

Jul 13, 2023

There’s a question you can ask to help your manifesting stay on track even during difficult moments that don’t feel aligned or like what you were hoping to manifest.

That question is: “What is the magic here?”

The other day my Golden Retriever got terribly sick and was...

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What You Were Taught About Emotions isn't Helping (What to Do Instead)

Jul 10, 2023

Ever feel like almost every message you’ve ever gotten about how to handle emotions doesn’t help much?

You’re not wrong. 

The body and the mind must work together when it comes to feeling emotions or feeling emotions turns into a slog.

Not taking the mind-body connection...

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How to Shift Out of Anxiety for You and Your Coaching Clients

Jul 06, 2023

If you (and/or your clients) frequently experience a lot of anxiety, this can be shifted by using what I call the “What am I Feeling Now Tool.”

This is quite different from using breathwork or deep breathing to calm anxiety.

In this post I'll explain what this tool is about and why it...

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How to Market Your Coaching Business To Make a Living Without Overworking

Jun 29, 2023

How we teach our clients to do their marketing so they can get enough clients to make a living, yet don't harm their bodies from overworking.

As a coach, you want to make a living doing what you love, and of course, you want to feel great so you can show up for your clients.

Overworking is so...

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If You're Stuck and Want More Clients, Here's Your Next Step

Jun 26, 2023

One of the hardest things about running your own business is that when you aren’t seeing the client sign-ups you need and want, it’s tricky to see the glitch without external feedback from someone who isn’t on the inside of your business like you are.

It’s the old "seeing...

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Why it Pays to Slack... Literally (More Income!)

Jun 19, 2023

The other day my friend Caroline said, “The reason your work is compelling is you are obviously very organized, running a successful business, have things put together in your work, are accomplishing lots of things, and yet you tell me you’re slacking.”

Not only am I slacking...

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The #1 Reason People Don't Sign Up for Your Program

Jun 15, 2023

If you’re a heart-centered coach, the #1 reason why people don’t sign up for your program is that they don’t know what problem it’s solving.

For example, I often see programs that are described or titled something like, “Living Joyfully” or “Thriving in...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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