How Your Stomach is Your Business Ally
Nov 19, 2024
Your stomach should be in charge of your business.
No, really! Before you make a single move in your business each morning, check in with your core. Run your awareness down your midline and really take stock of each task, idea, and concept you’re planning today.
What does your gut say?
What do you feel in your core?
Do you feel a heaviness? A crunchy feeling? A tightening?
Or do you feel it release, relax, and settle?
We talk a lot in my programs about tuning into your body and inner wisdom, but I think it’s easy to sort of skip over that step in favor of logic.
I am dead serious when I say this is how I run my business. Just five minutes ago, I was thinking about a next-step thing for my business. It involved asking someone to help me in a specific way.
I was about to do it, and then I did my usual check in. My core felt tight and heavy. Nope! Wrong path.
So I sat with that feeling for a bit, asking it what inner wisdom wants me to do instead. I didn’t get an immediate answer, so I moved on to doing other tasks on my list.
Then, suddenly, a new idea from inner wisdom popped in. It was a different way to tackle the same issue, and it felt a billion times lighter.
This is the formula!
Notice gut.
Ask inner wisdom.
Wait for the clarity.
Take action when you get the inner wisdom clarity.
Notice what happens energetically and practically in your business as a result.
If you’re on track, you’ll see the signs, even before money shows up. For example, someone will inquire about a program. Or a new opportunity will open up. When you see potential good things starting to appear, you’re on the right path.
The money will follow!
And, here’s the key. You HAVE to have time for this inner wisdom clarity to come in. You can’t be hyper-focused on your business and expect to be getting inner wisdom hits.
This is why you need to roam in the trees, meander in bookstores, hang out in libraries, and swim in pools.
This is what I mean when I say self-care.
You need the kind of self-care that allows your mind to rest and your spirit to bring you the clarity you need. The only reason I got that clarity I needed today is I took an hour for myself in the middle of the workday.
I’ve got this all down to a science. In my group program, I'll teach you how to manifest money while you slow down and float on lakes, hang out under starlight, and plant fairy gardens. Or whatever it is that feels amazing to you.
You can learn more about the program here.