What to do When Your Big Dream Feels Impossible
Dec 17, 2024
“I started off my business with lots of energy. Then it got hard, and the energy dropped. Of course it did. It’s a long road. But the more my big dream doesn't happen, the more unreal it gets, you know? So what do I do?”
One of my coaching clients asked me this question recently, and I love that she did, because it really is such a conundrum.
It goes like this: Here's my divine desire, and here’s the destination I want to go to … and the distance between that future and my present feels SO vast. How can it happen?! What do we do, when the big dream feels impossibly out of reach?
Let me tell you a story of how I’ve answered this question in my own life and business.
I've always “seen” millions annually for my business. That’s always been a part of my vision. And, I've been single parenting, so that vision of making millions was on the back burner when my daughter was younger.
Then last year, that big goal came into the front focus. No way could my mind think it was possible! But then I thought, “Maybe there’s a magical way it could happen.” I let in that faith feeling, and I lived there for a few months.
And then divine self upgraded that vision a bit. It got even BIGGER.
All of the sudden, soft signs started showing up. I received multiple emails from very different (and unexpected) sources about how they’d made millions in THEIR businesses. So I doubled down on my visualization. It started to feel less like a faith leap and more like, “We're going here, this is happening.”
Then I got a download that solved this whole conundrum for me energetically. I’m giving it to you today in case it helps you understand how you really CAN manifest what feels impossible to your mind.
In my visualization, I was putting myself in that place where the millions have happened. And all at once I realized: That Future Me knows how to do it, because that Future Me already did it!
And I can believe this is possible because it has happened already! This reality of me right here, the present-day coach Abigail who is making over $250k/year in her business, has cracked the code for the prior version of me who longed to make just $60k/year.
So all I have to do to solve my “impossible” problem now is to tap into THAT ME, the Future Me.
And in a sense all you have to do in order to “believe” in your biggest goals is to tap into that future version of YOU every day.
Are you ready to connect with your Future Self and make those “impossible” business goals of yours real? What if you could achieve them MUCH sooner than you think? That’s what we’ll lay the groundwork for in my group program.
During the program, I’ll clearly articulate the problem you solve and outcome you create for clients - AKA your niche - and your superpower that people want to pay you thousands for. We’ll also design a signature program that gives you both time freedom AND the income you desire. Then we’ll work on getting those clients in the DOOR!
You can learn more about the program here.