Working and Parenting - Here's How I Handle It
Dec 03, 2024
I’m SO frustrated for all of us who are dealing with the metric butt-ton of emotional and physical labor of child-rearing (or running a household) while also doing our life’s work and passion as an entrepreneur. Oh, and that little thing where you do need to make income.
In a cultural system that is totally broken, this is NOT an easy task at times.
Long school breaks can be a really wacky time, what with school out, kids home, a million activities, and your business.
Now, if you’re a heart-centered person, where you get stuck is this: You feel deep levels of compassion for your kids, your spouse, and your clients. You really love them and you really want to create the best life for your household.
When your child deeply needs you, you want to be there. You want to help them with their little baby nervous systems and their sweet young minds so they develop into humans with skills and a strong, supportive parent-child relationship.
You also want to create amazing programs for your clients that really transform their lives and give them what they need - because you know them! You can help!
You want to market your business in a way that allows you to get the clients in the door so you can serve them.
You want to be a supportive partner who listens, who loves, who is kind, and who is present.
Of course you want all of this!
And, at the same time, our culture really is set up to make it tough to be there in this way without running yourself into the ground.
For example, during the summers, my single parenting life as a divorced woman goes into high gear. My daughter is home with me Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the week and every other weekend. I’m in charge of scheduling all her doctor appointments, dentist appointments, camps, and playdates. She’s with me while I’m working, unless she’s at camp, and I want her to have a great summer.
This past summer, my ex was out of town for multiple weeks, so she was with me even more, which I loved. And, it was bonkers.
Imagine me solving a lemonade stand issue, comforting my daughter over a lemonade stand issue, handling a lot of whining about the lemonade stand issue, stopping the dog from eating the plastic bags the lemons were in, and explaining what to do when a soda can gets dropped on the floor and explodes... all while I trying to work. 🥴
This is A LOT, y'all!
I think the first thing we really have to do is step back and say “OMG, we are doing so well in such a messed up system!”
Then we have to say, “OMG, I am such a caring person and I want to be there in a big way for everyone!”
And then we have to say, “Ok, so how can I magic this?” LOL!
For real, though, magic is the answer. And some damn good boundaries.
The tricky part about all of this is that we get stuck in our own caring patterns. Yet - I also want to be taking care of my child this much, at this level. I’d much rather she be dropped off with me than anywhere else in the world! I care about her well-being more than anything. That’s why I’m willing to pretty much do anything to be there for her.
This is the conundrum!
This is the conundrum I faced from day one, the moment she was born. That’s why I developed my Slacker Magic System for running my business and living my life.
This system allows me to magic it. It allows me to feel my emotions, honor them, and then ask magic to show me a new way, every day, to be there for my daughter AND for myself.
If we lose track of taking ourselves into account, we can’t be our best parenting or entrepreneur selves.
Yesterday afternoon, I stopped working and spent two hours reading books and just being. Then I went out on my paddle board on the lake.
I could have totally been doing a million other things, but my spirit needed me to be present with me.
This is really how the magic happens. Two minutes of time to yourself in the bathroom while your five-year-old waits on the other side of the door. An early bedtime one night so you can get some sleep. An extra hour wherever you can take it - prioritized - for YOU.
This won’t make your business or your parenting suffer. It will enhance it. You’ll return refreshed, with new ideas and new motivation.
In my group program, we’ll look at how your unique magic is calling you to show up in ways that will transform how you handle daily life and make it WAY better. Ditto for your business.
I’ll share my mind-body healing techniques that keep me sane while I’m mopping up soda and handling kid meltdowns.
I’ll give you my best Slacker Magic tips.
You can learn more about the program here.