What to Do If You're Having Niche Confusion

choosing a niche slacker magic Jul 02, 2024
woman feeling carefree as she takes the time to regulate her nervous system

During a recent Ask the Celtic Seer workshop, one of the participants was talking about having niche drama in her head and feeling confused about how to articulate her message and really know who she’s talking to in her content.

One of the reasons that happens is our nervous system gets too involved in our marketing, and regulating it will help release this sort of stress!

The nervous system is always scanning our environment, looking for what might cause harm. This includes your own mind!

When you think something a wee bit scary, like, say, “OMG, I’ll never figure out my niche,” or “I’m not sure if this niche is right!” your nervous system sits up and gets worried.

It starts to activate your fight/flight system to get you ready for any situation. Suddenly, you’re more tense, you’re breathing shallowly, and you’re activated, even if you don’t realize it!

The problem here is twofold:

  1. In order to really explore your niche and messaging and come to a clear conclusion, you need your creative mind.
  2. When you’re activated, you don’t have access to your creative mind.

So, the logic follows that if you’re trying to do the creative process of finding the right language for your niche and your messaging, you’ll be unable to do so when the nervous system is activated.

This will result in a lot of mental spinning and frustration, a fuzzy feeling in your head, and an unsettling lack of clarity.

So, I recommend that you take the time to chillax your nervous system BEFORE you try to dig in and write language for your ideal client or try to figure out who your ideal client is. That way, you won’t waste numerous hours attempting the impossible.

As a sensitive human with a heart-centered focus, you’re actually more likely to be activated just because you care so much and this is so dang important to you. Solidarity! That’s why the mere thought of working on your niche can bring up the fear of not getting it right and then set off a cascade of nervous system responses.

Chillaxing your nervous system can include anything that really soothes you, like walking in nature, visiting your favorite tree, listening to your favorite music, or talking to a great friend.

You might immediately think that to help your nervous system regulate, you have to do something very mindful or meditative. Actually, play is really the best way to regulate it! Anything that feels super fun and delightful will help immensely. I find that talking to friends really works for me, as does playing ridiculous ‘90’s music loudly in my car while singing along with it.

So, the next time you’re worried about how to write your messaging, how to articulate it, who to write to, and how to narrow the focus of your writing to really attract clients and be able to scale your business, skip out your front door and do something fun first.

Or, you could just join my group program, because then I’ll just do the whole thing for you! 😉 I’m weird like that - seeing your niche for you is one of my fun activities that regulates me! LOL. In my group program, I’ll use my intuitive gift called the Celtic Seer to see your niche for you, articulate it for you, help you see your money making path, and then help you design your signature program.

If you’ve been doing a lot of 1-1 and are ready to move into more group coaching so you can scale your business, that’s exactly what we’ll do in the program! We’ll test out your program to make sure it’s aligned and people will sign up before you launch it. Then we’ll design your opt-in so that you have a compelling lead magnet that draws in your clients.

I’ll also teach you my Slacker Magic System for attracting clients with ease instead of efforting, running yourself into the ground, and hustling. Ew, right? Instead, you’ll be working differently - in a whole new way - that allows you to take way more time for you and let’s your work get done in the background.

You can learn more about this program and others here.